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The EIC Pathfinder Pilot comprises FET-Open and FET-Proactive and offers grants of up to €4 million to promote collaborative, inter-disciplinary research and innovation on science-inspired and radically new future technologies.
These grants are for consortia of at least 3 entities from 3 different Members States and associated countries
- Implantable autonomous devices and materials
- Breakthrough zero-emissions energy generation for full decarbonisation.
The EIC Pathfinder pilot has a total budget of around €660 million for 2019-2020.
CONVENTIONAL CHARGING POINTS - Would need to be installed at the rate of 288,462 parking spaces per week Europe wide to cater for 150 million vehicles in daily use within 10 years, or 144,230 per week within 20 years. We do not consider such a proposition to be realistic. A more practical approach for long term energy security for transport, is a network of SMARTNET FASTCHARGE service stations. The built in safeguards include load leveling and longer battery life, plus the ability to move to hydrogen fuel as and when the technology is developed, without needing to change vehicles or service stations. It is all planned for with SMARTNET - aiming for full decarbonization of road transport.
https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/fet-open https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/section/sme-instrument/eic-accelerator-sme-instrument-funding-opportunities
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