19 - The 2nd International Conference on
Global Warming and Climate Change 2019
(GlobeWarm ’19) aims to bring researchers, scholars, scientists, policymakers, industry experts, biomedical specialists, environmental science community, academicians and weather scientists on one platform to showcase their research efforts.
They invite you to attend the 2nd International Conference on
Global Warming and Climate change 2019 from all around the world for a wonderful experience, networking opportunities, publishing and many more.
Climate change is now affecting all countries on every continent. It is disrupting local economies, affecting lives and costing people, communities and countries today and tomorrow. Weather is changing and become more extreme, sea levels are rising and greenhouse gas emissions are now in their highest limits. Therefore this conference has planned to discuss how developing nations can become a developed nation under zero or minimum effects on global warming.
This conference is a great platform for developing nations to take knowledge from developed nations to overcome their challenges of reducing Global warming. Meanwhile, the developed nations can grab the knowledge to maintain their status with a healthy climate. 
SPEAKER - Dr. Fredolin Tangang is the Chairman of the Centre for Earth Sciences and Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia.
Professor Fredolin Tangang is a professor of climatology at the Centre of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, the National University of Malaysia. He is an Expert on climate change and climate variability. Prof Tangang obtained his PhD in 1997 from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, where he researched and developed a model to forecast the El Nino –Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. Prof Tangang was the Vice-Chair of the Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the Fifth Assessment Cycle (AR5; 2008 – 2015). Prof. Fredolin has a H-index of 22. Currently he is also a fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and also a Visiting Professor at the Ramkhamhaeng University Center for Regional Climate Change and Renewable Energy (RU-CORE), Bangkok, Thailand. Prof Tangang also serves as a member of the Scientific Advisory Team (SAT) of the CORDEX, a programme under the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). At the university level, he is currently the Chairman of the Centre of Earth Sciences and Environment. Prof Tangang current research focuses include climate change and climate variability over the Southeast Asia region. He is he leader of CORDEX Southeast Asia. Prof Tangang has published more than 70 publications in high impact international journals.
Conference Tracks: Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Global Warming , Agriculture and food security
Climate change and sustainable development
Climate change and energy
Climate modelling and predictions
ICT and Weather Information Management
Climate Change and Technology
Climate change and Green initiatives & products
Climate Change and Migration
Climate change, poverty and gender issues
Global Warming and Consequences
Causes and Effects of Climate Change
Earth Science and Climate Change Policies
Manifestation of Global Warming
Global Warming & Biodiversity
Global Warming, Climate and Change Food Insecurity
Environmental Toxicology
Regenerative Agriculture to Reverse Climate Change
Climate Change Challenges & Sustainability
CO2 Capture and Sequestration
Global Warming, Climate change and Health
Renewable Energy
Global Warming and Marine Life
Climate Changing Cloud Heights
Climate Change & Climatology
Evidence of Global Warming and Climate Change
Global Warming Effects & Causes
Carbon Cycle
Climate Hazards
Risks of Global Warming
Climate Effective Adaptation
Challenges of global warming and climate change
Climate Change and Global Warming: Law & Policy
Pollution & its Effects on Global Warming
Climate Change and Migration
Climate Change and Coastal Stressors
CO2 Responsible Climate Change?
Renewable Energy to Mitigate Climate Change
Solutions for Climate Change
Climate Change Economics
Space Monitoring of Climate Variables
Abstract submission: 24th June 2019
Acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within 3 days
Results of the abstract review notified to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission
Full paper submission: 24th November 2019 GLOBEWARM
2018 The 2nd International Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change 2018 (GlobeWarm ‘18) was organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM), Sri Lanka in collaboration with University Putra Malaysia as the Hosting Partner, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India as the Academic Partner and the 3rd International Conference on Climate Change became the successful strategic partner for the Conference. 
- Prof. Kamani K.K - CEO APCEO senior Expert Asia and world wide 
- Prof. David Karoly - University of Melbourne, Australia Inauguration Ceremony
The Conference was held on 04th – 05th October 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand under the theme “Creating a global dialogue towards a sustainable future”. GlobeWarm 2018 was chaired by the renowned key person in the field of Climate Change Prof. Kamani K.K (CEO APCEO senior Expert Asia and worldwide Global Economic Adviser, Department of Higher Education, Govt of Karnataka, India).
The opening remarks of GlobeWarm 2018 were made by Conference Chair Prof. Kamani K.K (CEO APCEO senior Expert Asia and worldwide Global Economic Adviser, Department of Higher Education, Govt of Karnataka, India) together with Mr. Isanka P. Gamage (Managing Director, The International Institute of Knowledge Management). Keynote Forum
Key note forum was one of the most significant moments during the Conference and it was enlightened by Prof. David Karoly (University of Melbourne, Australia) on the topic “Global Warming and Approaches to a Sustainable Future”. Followed by the keynote speaker, conference chair Prof. Kamani K.K. also delivered a speech at the forum which made conference more fruitful.
Publications in progress
Global Warming Conference
All accepted abstracts for International Conference on Global Warming and Climate Change 2018 (Globewarm 2018) will be published in the conference abstract book with an associated ISBN. All full papers will be reviewed through a double blind reviewing process and published electronically with an ISSN number in the proceedings with a DOI Number (DOI prefix: 10.17501).
GlobeWarm 2018 provided great platform for researchers, academics, scholars, and scientists from across the globe to share their research findings with one another and to discuss their ideas in relation to the field climate change and global warming. The conference provided a refreshing experience for all, especially for the young researchers who had the opportunity to share their research findings on an international platform.
Chair workshop
Conference chair workshop was held on the 05th October by Conference Chair Prof. Kamani K.K (CEO APCEO senior Expert Asia and worldwide Global Economic Adviser, Department of Higher Education, Govt of Karnataka, India) which was very productive to all the participants of the Conference. Technical Sessions
GlobeWarm 2018 comprised of six (06) technical sessions under below themes.
Climate Change, Agriculture and Green Initiations
Climate Change, Weather Information Management and Technology
Climate Modelling and Predictions
Climate Change Adaptation and Energy
Climate Change, Poverty, Gender Issues and Migration
Session Chairs and Evaluation Panel members of GlobeWarm 2018 Session Chairs
Tengku Hanidza Tengku Ismail (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
David C. Vanlalfakawma (Visva Bharati University, India)
Jorge Tredicce (Université de la Nouvelle Caledonie, Caledonie)
Evaluation Panel Members
K.K. Kamani (CEO APCEO Senior Expert Asia, India)
David Karoly (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Firuz Mohammad (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
Scientific Committee
Farhan Abdul Rauf, Our Own Public Health Institute, Afghanistan
Mery Biswas, Presidency University, India
Sukhumaporn Saeng-ngam, Srinakharinwirot Unversity, Thailand
W.A.J.M. De Costa, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Somnath Bandyopadhyay, School of Ecology and Environment Studies (SE&ES), India
S.S. Sundaravel, Pondicherry University, India
G. Poyyamoli Gopalsamy, Pondicherry University, India
Nebiye Musaoglu, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Turkey
Dr. Chakkaphan Sutthirat, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Umesh Kulshrestha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
S Mukherjee, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
P K Joshi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Kishore Dhavala, Nalanda University, India
Haroon Khan, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
Sayan Bhattacharya, Nalanda University, India
Ilmi Hewajulige, Industrial Technology Institute, Sri Lanka
SM. Sundarapandian, Pondicherry University, India
Govind Chakrapani, Pondicherry University, India
Phongthep Hanpattanakit, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
Monthira Yuttitham, Mahidol University, Thailand
Chaturangi Wickramaratne, Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited, Sri Lanka
Carlo Montes, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Bangladesh
José Etcheverry, York University, UK
Kusum Arunachalam, Doon University, India
Ujjwal Kumar, Doon University, India
Naqui Anwer, Teri University, India
Suneet Naithani, Doon University, India
Hemanthi Ranasinghe, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka
Archana Sharma, Doon University, India
Ahmad Zaharin Aris, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Ahmad Makmom Abdullah, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Tengku Hanidza Tengku Ismail, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstracts, Registrations and Payment Inquiries
Conference Secretariat : Mr. Viraj Mayadunna
The International Institute of Knowledge Management
#531/18, Kotte road, Pitakotte, Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 112044480/ Ext.6102
Fax: +94 112 873 371
Hotline (viber / whatsapp): +94 76 573 3737
Email: secretariat@globalclimateconference.com
Logistic, Accommodation and Tour
Contact Person: Ms. Lakshika Abeykoon
Hotline: +9411 302 4349
TP: +9470 316 2350
E-Mail: sales@globeenjoy.com
Contact Person: Ms. Yasodara Pemarathne
Hotline: +94 716 087 122
TP: +94 112044480/Ext.4300
Email: yasodara@tiikm.com
Partnership and Other Conferences
Contact Person: Ms. Maheesha Dilshani
Hotline: +94 712 838 280/ +94 783 979 446
TP : +94 112044480/Ext.4200
Email: maheesha@tiikm.com
Sponsorships and Promotional spaces
Contact Person: Mr. Arshad Refai
Hotline: + 94 77 1501242
TP: +94 112044480/Ext.5000
Email: arshad.refai@tiikmedu.com

Phase out polluting vehicles and put limits
on air travel. Government aims should aim to end the sale of new petrol,
and diesel vehicles by
2040 but presently have no infrastructure
plan to support such ambition. This should be addressed. Marine transport can be carbon
neutral, but will take longer to change technology.
Renewable energy should replace carbon-based fuels (coal,
oil and gas) in our electricity, heating and for transport.
On site micro or macro generation is the best option, starting with new
build homes that are low cost and sustainable in concept.
We need trees to
absorb carbon emissions from a growing
population and to build new affordable homes. We should aim to reduce food waste and
promote less energy intensive eating habits
such as no meat Mondays. This might include developing better meat
substitutes. A change to renewable energy for tractors and harvestors should
be planned.
Factories should be aiming for solar heating and onsite renewable energy
- National governing bodies need to adopt policies to eliminate
administrative wastages, to include scaling down spending on war machines,
increasing spend on educating the public and supporting sustainable social policies that mesh
with other cultures. Development loans should not be offered to any country
where they are in debt. Each loan should be repaid in full before another is
considered, to limit economic ruin and overtaxing of their citizens.

- The United
Nations' climate summit talks are known as COP (= Conference Of the
Parties). During these discussions action for climate policy is
negotiated with each country fighting for points in a global economic
struggle. Nobody wants to give ground, except that every party agrees in
principle that they need to make concessions - otherwise, with deaths from heat
exhaustion and strokes, eventually, there will be nothing to argue about. We
will all be dead.
So far with
over twenty-four years of haggling the arctic ice is still melting - and
faster than ever. No wonder so many high profile people and corporations are
worried. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) is an international
treaty adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro from 1992. The UNFCCC objective is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system".
