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RED FLAG POLITICS - The IMO appears to be struggling to justify their inaction on acid oceans, rising sea levels and ocean plastic, raising the question as to whether or not they are being lobbied by stakeholders to sit on their hands and allow the situation to continue to harm the planet. We need to keep the world moving on clean energy for a sustainable future. The fact that the IMO appear to believe that they need not answer correspondence on these subjects, rather smacks of an admission as to the allegations. Would you not agree?
Laurence Barchue is the Assistant Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization. He belongs to a group of intelligent people in whom we placed our trust to do the right thing. But, despite mass protests over the past 20 years, we are still reliant on fossil fuels for transport.
The IMO are on our hit list at the moment as one of the organizations responsible for not acting in the interests of the planet. In our view they have not done enough to climate change. This is demonstrable in that they are in receipt of ideas that may have an impact on change, but appear to be refusing to countenance third party suggestions.
When COF wrote to Kitack Lim in August of 2019, neither he, nor any other representative of the IMO acknowledged the communication which we believe is important where it raises a potential accelerator idea to zero emissions shipping.
COF resent the letter on the 24th of January 2020 in a more strongly worded form, and there is still no reply, eve though an acknowledgement was requested, while they considered a full response.
The subject matter was Mitigation Payments. COF had suggested a small surcharge on fuels that would go into Scrappage Fund to encourage ship owners to change out older polluting vessels for more environmentally friendly stock.
As this has not yet been applied to shipping, you would have thought the IMO would have jumped at the idea, The fact that they did not sent alarm bells ringing, where the only explanation for such myopia is that they are doing deals with ship operators that are not conducive to cleaning the world fleet as quickly as possible.
MORAL COMPASS - People don’t generally wake up one morning and decide, “I want to be enslaved by something difficult to manage and seemingly impossible to escape, because that sounds like fun.”
No, the road to depravity is a long one. It’s one traveled with many deliberate steps - steps that become easier and easier to take. Call it a moral compromise, an addiction, a weakness, or a sin - the destination in which they find themselves in poverty is one found by slowly compromising moral values while dancing with the devil.
fact is that ship operators have been building bigger and
bigger behemoths, to carry more and more containers, using
heavy diesel oil as the fuel - all the while knowing that we
were in a climate emergency. But also knowing that as they
built their luxury cruise liners, they would use them to
blackmail the IMO into extending the use of dirty fuels, using
an economic argument that would not have existed if they have
looked for alternatives in good time.
And that is how global warming has reached epidemic proportions. We are hooked on fossil fuels and promises of economic growth. All lies spun by corrupt politicians seeking election and businesses raking in the cash, when they should have known better.
And even though we can clearly see from the onset just how disastrous
the destination will be, once we take certain actions, it becomes seemingly easier to pursue a little more and a little more and a little more… The downhill trip to despair is much more effortlessly
traveled than the difficult climb back up to higher ground. It’s better to avoid a pushy door-to-door salesman by refusing to open the door in the first place than it is trying to get him to leave once you’ve invited him in.
SEXY OR WHAT? - If these pictures turn you on, rehabilitation is going to be a long hard road. What amazes us is that anyone thought this kind of high was morally acceptable. We bit into the apple and ate to the core, without noticing how energy depraved we had become as we worshiped the $dollars that our snake charming political porn stars had promised as the path of righteousness. Salvation will be impossible with corruption in politics.
BLOCKERS TO ADVANCEMENT - Four of the G20, those with high incomes and expectations built on continuous growth and exploitation based on fossil fuels, could be behind the brake that smacks of the Locomotive Act of 1865. Can we expect that clean ships with zero carbon signatures will be forced to have a chap swim ahead of solar and wind powered vessels, carrying a red flag?
ALTERNATIVE CULLING - Health Service budget cuts mean that social care in the community is suffering, so that the elderly sometimes die from otherwise minor ailments from complications. The fact is that generally humans are living longer from better diets, housing and medicines. That is why the retirement age has been raised.
Fish in the diet has been shown to prolong life over meat eaters (red meat in particular) one reason the Japanese have so many centenarians. It could be argued that by not cleaning the oceans, population growth might be halted in the longer term when people develop cancer as a result of eating toxic fish. An unkind notion and inhumane, but surely treating cancer patients in large numbers will cost more than cleaning the oceans - unless future budget cuts mean suspending treatments - and that is the secret agenda.
Spending on cancer research might go to offset the rising toxicity levels of wild fish and consequential human suffering. The EU have pledged sums on their Horizon Europe budget for cancer research.
There are as yet no Government Health Warnings as to toxic biomagnification in seafoods, caused by marine plastic.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - According to the World Health Organization 3 million people die each year as a result of air pollution. Exhaust fumes from diesel engines do cause cancer, a panel of experts working for the World Health Organization says.
It concluded that the exhausts were definitely a cause of lung cancer and may also cause tumors in the bladder. It based the findings on research in high-risk workers such as miners, railway workers and truck drivers.
However, the panel said everyone should try to reduce their exposure to diesel exhaust fumes.
IARC has now labeled exhausts as a definite cause of cancer, although it does not compare how risky different carcinogens are. Diesel exhausts are now in the same group as carcinogens ranging from wood chippings to plutonium and sunlight to alcohol. It is thought people working in at-risk industries have about a 40% increased risk of developing lung cancer.
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