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CARTRIDGE EXCHANGE - In search for a long-term, sustainable energy solution for passenger and goods transport, the electric car is the modern alternative. However, the electric car has significant obstacles to overcome which are holding back the development. The case is even worse for large vans and trucks.
The strategy stalled at Tesla and
failed with Better
Place in 2013, but the Californian BattSwap
company believes battery swapping makes sense for EVs. They
join the Chinese company,
and Sweden's PowerSwap
in the belief that cartridge exchange is the
way forward, for electric vehicles.
BattSwap introduces a novel and disruptive technology for instant energy recharging for electric cars.
According to their estimates, BattSwap has the potential to service around 1 million electric cars by 2025, which equates to all of the commercial fleets in 10 cities comparable to the size of Paris.
BattSwap is implementing the Industrial Property Rights Project - BattSwap CZ, s.r.o. with registration number CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_030 / 0007200
In 2019 the company BattSwap CZ, s.r.o. support from the European Structural and Investment Funds, implemented through the Operational Program Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic and drawn through the first call of the Specialized Vouchers (reg. no. CZ.07.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_027 / 0000607).
The Fleet Navigation Application project was co-financed by the European Union.
Illnesses and deaths caused by gases emitted by internal combustion engines have critical impact on public health and economics.
Whereas the implementation of zero emissions traffic is too slow, below 1% of the overall automotive market, since costs remain too high in comparison with diesel or petrol cars.
All the while electric cars, which are today (in theory) supported through policy, still have to overcome the issue of long charging times and short range.
- Audi - BMW - Citroen - Fiat - Ford - Lotus - Mercedes - Peugeot - Renault - Seat - Smart
V roce 2019 získala firma BattSwap CZ, s.r.o. podporu z Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů, realizovanou skrz Operační program Praha – pól růstu ČR a čerpanou přes první výzvu Specializovaných voucherů (reg.č. CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_027/0000607).
Podpora byla mířena na účast firmy BattSwap CZ, s.r.o. na projekt Navigační aplikace flotil v Praze za účelem vyvinout mobilní aplikaci pro navigaci flotil se systémem BattSwap.
Očekávaným výstupem je mobilní aplikace, která zajišťuje navigaci flotil vozidel se systémem BattSwap a sledování parametrů vozidla. Projekt Navigační aplikace flotil je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
HYDROGEN FUEL CELL CARTRIDGE - It looks like a battery cartridge. It performs like a battery cartridge. It stores energy like a battery cartridge, but it is a hydrogen fuel store and fuel cell cartridge combination. Where lithium and cobalt raw materials may limit the production numbers of EVs as green motoring becomes the norm, hydrogen in a safe format might offer unlimited possibilities. The concept is compatible with SMARTNET FASTCHARGE service stations. NOTE: This is just a concept, not a product yet. More development is needed to before mass production could be entertained.
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