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ALL ENGINES - Undaunted, Greta Thunberg is on her way back
to Europe after the shock cancellation of Santiago. Spain
wants her to attend, offering to help. The whole world wants
her to attend. Fingers crossed then and sock it to them Greta
: )
JEZ (PETROLHEAD) CLARKSON OUT OF TOUCH - He is entitled to his own view
of course, as is President Donald Trump, but we wonder if his
TV shows, most of which are based on burning fossil fuels, is
shaping his outlook on the future of the planet. One thing is
for sure. If we were all running around tearing it up in the
gas guzzlers Jeremy and his team have been for the last 10
plus years, we doubt if there would much future for our
children - given that we are may already have reached a point
on non-recovery.

girl was 15 years old when she started striking and insisting
that her so-called guardians might do something positive.
Although she gave it her best shot, along with millions more
schoolchildren around the world, the politicians and
industrialists would not listen to reason. Climate
deniers are likely to be responsible for the mass murder of seven billion
people, in a climopic genocide built on a financial
programme to make billions of dollars exploiting planet earth at the expense of the human population.
In 2021, Greta told COP26 what she thought of the lack of
progress: Blah,
Blah, Blah.
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish climate activist and iconic source of inspiration for worldwide student activism.
She is known for having initiated the school strike for climate movement that formed in November 2018 and surged globally after the
United Nations
Climate Change Conference
(COP24) in December the same year.
Her personal activism began in August 2018, when her recurring and solitary
Skolstrejk för klimatet ("School strike for the climate") protesting outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm began attracting media coverage.
On 15 March 2019, an estimated 1.4 million students in 112 countries around the world joined her call in the striking and protesting. Another event is scheduled for 24 May 2019.
Thunberg has received various prizes and awards for her activism. In March 2019, three members of the Norwegian parliament nominated Thunberg for the Nobel Peace Prize.
MUCH IS THE EARTH HEATING UP - As of early 2017, the Earth
had warmed by roughly 2 degrees Fahrenheit (more than 1 degree
Celsius) since 1880, when records began at a global scale. The
number may sound low, but as an average over the surface of an
entire planet, it is actually high, which explains why much of
the world’s land ice is starting to melt and the oceans are
rising at an accelerating pace. If greenhouse gas emissions
continue unchecked, scientists say, the global warming could
ultimately exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit, which would undermine
the planet’s capacity to support a large human population.
The 16-year-old EVERYONE wants to meet: How politicians from Corbyn to Bercow are falling over themselves to praise Swedish climate activist as she meets MPs - minus
Theresa May - for chats in the Commons
Britain's most high-profile politicians rushed back from their holidays today to be photographed alongside a 16-year-old environmental activist who took the House of Commons by storm.
MPs including John Bercow, Jeremy Corbyn and Ed Miliband welcomed Greta Thunberg to Parliament, where she made a speech about climate change and got a rapturous round of applause.
Miss Thunberg is the schoolgirl whose refusal to go to school because of global warming led to children around the world skipping classes in protest.
She came to Britain on Sunday and spoke to protesters camping out in Marble Arch and causing chaos to London's transport networks.
Today, she met political leaders at Westminster, including Mr Corbyn,
Vince Cable and
Green Party MP
Caroline Lucas at Parliament.
The 16-year-old told a packed room in the Palace of Westminster that her future and those of her fellow children had been 'sold'.
'We probably don't even have a future any more,' she said.
'That future has been sold so that a small number of people can make unimaginable amounts of money.
'It was stolen from us every time you said 'the sky is the limit' and 'you only live once'.'
Miss Thunberg spoke alongside a panel of MPs, including Environment Secretary
Gove, Green MP Caroline Lucas, former Labour leader Ed Miliband and Lib Dem MP
The schoolgirl said she knew politicians did not want to listen, as she started to experience microphone problems.
She asked: 'Is this microphone on? Can anybody hear me? Is my English OK? I am starting to wonder.'
Environment Secretary Michael Gove assured Miss Thunberg she had been heard as he admitted 'we have not done nearly enough'.
In a 'no-chairing stunt', opposition party leaders left an empty chair for the
Prime Minister at the meeting.
Theresa May was in a cabinet meeting at the time.
Organisers of Miss Thunberg's event said that no response had been received to their invitation to the Prime Minister, but they were still hopeful she might attend at least part of the discussion.
Opening the talks, Miss Thunberg - who earlier met Commons Speaker John Bercow - told the MPs: 'We just want people to listen to the science.'
Ms Thunberg's visit to Parliament was organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group. Mrs May's office said they did not know whether she had been invited.
Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: 'It was a pleasure welcoming UK youth climate strikers and Greta Thunberg to parliament.
'Young people will be the most affected by climate change - seeing them take charge of their future is inspiring. Labour's committed to working with young people campaigning to save our planet.'
Speaking at an event in London yesterday, Greta called on the UK to hold a general strike over climate change.

The schoolgirl then told Radio 4's Today programme this morning that there needs to be 'a level of panic' over climate change.
She added: 'If your house is on fire then that does require some level of panic. You don't sit talking about insurance claims and rebuilding - you do everything you can to put out the fire.'
The Nobel Peace Prize nominee is also expected to meet the leaders at around 11.30am on Tuesday before giving a speech at a meeting in Portcullis House at around 2pm.
Six months ago, the then-unknown Miss Thunberg camped outside Sweden's parliament next to a hand-written sign that read
'Skolstrejk för
Klimatet' (School strike for the climate).
She skipped school every Friday to sit on the steps of the Riksdag and soon became a global success following her first TED talk - which now has more than a million views.
The 16-year-old climate crusader has already been immersed in her specialist subject for seven years.
Last year Miss Thunberg described herself as having been 'diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, OCD and selective mutism, saying 'I only speak when I have something important to say'.
She added: 'I see the world a bit differently, from another perspective… I can do the same thing for hours.'
She comes from an eminent family. Her mother is the beautiful blonde Swedish opera singer Malena Ernman who was the country's entry in the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest.
Her father is actor Svante Thunberg, who was named after a distant relative, Svante Arrhenius, a Nobel-prize-winning scientist who in 1896 first calculated the greenhouse effect caused by
carbon dioxide emissions.
Miss Thunberg explained that she first learned about climate change in school, aged nine.
'They were always talking about how we should turn off lights, save
water, not throw out food,' she said in one interview.
But she was baffled and frustrated by what she saw as a lack of action.
'If humans could really change the climate, everyone would be talking about it and people wouldn't be talking about anything else,' she said. 'But this wasn't happening.'
She started researching climate change herself, giving up other extra-curricular activities along the way - and became a vegan, stopped buying anything that was not essential and refused to fly anywhere.
By 2016 she had convinced her mother to give up flying, and the family cut out all meat and dairy. They installed
solar batteries, started growing their own vegetables, went vegan and cycled everywhere, keeping an
electric car for emergencies.

In August last year, her private personal protest went public when she walked out of school and plonked herself outside the Riksdag, hadninh out leaflets saying 'I'm doing this because you adulting are sh**ing on my future'.
Her demands were simple — that politicians reduced carbon emissions in line with the Paris Agreement of 2015.
In November 2018, still aged just 15 and dressed in a blue hoodie and hair in long plaits she gave her first TED talk, which has now been viewed more than a million times.
Some have questioned whether her rise to global fame has been as accidental as it appears, but Miss Thunberg and her family have hit back hard at anmy suggestion of media manipulation.
PR consultant Ingmar Rentzhog's We Don’t Have Time climate change PR agency used Miss Thunberg's image to gain funds for his firm, according to Climate Change Dispatch.
But the publication said the teenager's family deny being aware that she would be used in this way, and the family have since cut ties with Mr Rentzhog’s organisation.
Her school strike coincided with the launch of a book about climate change written by her mother, according to Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche, but Miss Thunberg denied that the book launch had anything to do with her.
Miss Thunberg delivered a stern rebuke to attendees of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland in December 2018, accusing them of leaving the burden of
climate change with
'I don't want your hope. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day,' she told them.
And she told business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 'our house is on fire!', after piously camping in the snow in temperatures of -18C rather than accepting luxury accommodation. She arrived at the out-of-the-way location after a 32 hour train journey, eschewing the jet planes used by most attendees.

On February 15 and again on March 15 school students around the world, inspired by her example, played truant from school in a 'strike' to protest climate change.
In the UK last month, thousands of placard-waving youngsters ditched their lessons and flocked to London's Parliament Square to try to grab the attention of MPs.
They chanted 'this is what democracy looks like' while primary school children, who were at the protest with their parents and holding handmade placards, shouted 'climate change, boo!'
The walkouts took place in more than 100 UK towns and cities, including Kent, Edinburgh and Bristol, as part of a global day of action inspired by Miss Thunberg.
In response to the protests in March United Nations climate
change chief Patricia Espinosa said: 'What we're seeing is a clear message from youth throughout the world that nations must significantly increase their efforts to address climate change.
'Given the urgency the world faces, it's vital nations come up with more ambitious plans both this year and in 2020 as stated in the Paris Agreement.
'This is how we will not only reach our collective climate goals, but how we will build a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future for all people.'
While recognising the importance of climate change in response to the first UK strike, Downing Street said the disruption increased teachers’ workloads and wasted lesson time, and
Education Secretary Damian Hinds said missing class was not the answer.
The children's demands for urgent action to treat climate change as a global emergency come in the wake of a UN report last year which warned that limiting global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, beyond which climate impacts become increasingly severe, requires unprecedented action.
That includes cutting global carbon dioxide emissions by almost half within 12 years, and to zero by mid-century.

Miss Thunberg's arrival in London today comes on the ninth day of the the
Extinction Rebellion protests, after the activists kept up their demonstrations and sit-ins over the long Bank holiday weekend.
More than 1,000 people have been arrested in London over the last two weeks during climate change protests which started on Monday April 15.
The action has seen Waterloo Bridge and Oxford Circus blocked and a 100-person 'die in' at the Natural History Museum
The Metropolitan Police said 1,065 people had been arrested in connection with the demonstrations by 10am on Monday, while 53 of those had been charged.
A spokesman also revealed they have needed more than 10,000 officers over the last ten days to police the ongoing protests.
Last night, officers cut the main power to the Extinction Rebellion camp in Marble Arch and then removed the sound equipment.
After a police cordon was put in place, officers could be seen taking away the various parts of a sound system, including a mixing desk and amplifiers.
THUNBERG - is a Swedish climate activist. At the
climate talks in Poland, December 2018, Miss Thunberg addressed the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations. She received a standing ovation for one of her talks.
She is behind the global school strike created to call attention to
change. She is a rebel. With a cause. Miss Thunberg is 15 and
autistic and the newest, youngest and most powerful voice on the
world stage demanding the world address

- Michael Gove, Layla Moran, Ed Milliband and Caroline Lucas,
applaud a message from Greta Thunberg at the Houses of
Parliament in London, United Kingdom. But have they accepted
the urgency and will they act on her words?
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