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THE SLOW LANE - We all live fast lifestyles. Waiting 30 minutes for rapid charging not only strains the grid, but also damages batteries, and nobody has thirty minutes to waste - best case - worst case 6-8 hours. A truck size battery would take hours to (so-called) rapid charge. It is just not practical. Ignoring for now that there are very few charging points along the streets in towns and cities, or at supermarkets. The solution is SMARTNET instant recharging. One size fits all.
Bluebird Energy Systems was a branch of Bluebird Marine Systems Ltd, now dissolved since March 2021 to limit unnecessary overheads while dormant, such as not to become a company in trouble.
Future development of the range extending energy cartridge concept will be by a dedicated start up as a fresh SME, working with the Cleaner Ocean Foundation Ltd in the early stages, for example with help in making funding applications, setting up and marketing.
Developed technology will be IP protected as a standardized mobility solution for all contributors and partners, such that EV manufacturers and generating utilities might engage confidently.
1. Formulate a standard for vehicle energy cartridges to accept batteries or hydrogen fuel cells.
2. Design a smart service station to handle the Standardized energy cartridges for cars & trucks.
3. Use the service stations for load-levelling to store off-peak solar & wind electricity to cater for peaks.
4. Make electric cars cheaper to purchase and operate with Pay As You Drive technology future proofing.
The move by all nations to renewable energy means more load leveling will be needed than ever before to make the best of their solar and wind generated electricity. As cars transition from petrol and diesel liquid fuels to electricity stored in solid batteries, or hydrogen fuel cells, dual purpose service stations provide a solution to a more effective low carbon society.
Dual purpose service stations provide a means to move to a hydrogen based economy. Using lithium batteries as the starting point, in Standard energy cartridges, we might introduce hydrogen as the energy storage medium, as and when that technology, and the infrastructure is developed.
The vehicle operator will not feel any difference in performance, and billing is just the same: PAYD. Hydrogen future proofing is important for when lithium and cobalt are in short supply.
The proposed SMARTNET service stations offer unrivalled flexibility to the automotive and electricity generating industries. Plug in charging cannot compete.
EFFICIENT LOAD LEVELING - Other battery cartridge service stations use more energy per exchange. The key to this design is simplicity and versatility. The mechanics of the station are designed to be solar powered. An articulated container truck is shown to scale in this diagram.
DUAL PURPOSE BATTERY STORE - This diagram shows a SMARTNET service facility in plan view, with articulated trucks turning in from a (UK right hand drive) main road, into the service station - passing through for battery swapping - and then exiting back onto the main road. The suggested layout speeds up refills and assists traffic flow in busy cities. This battery storage facility carries 60 standard cartridges, but can carry 96 battery units in the same footprint. Alternatively, a flat-pack station with a smaller footprint can be installed in congested towns. Electricity can be stored in the facility for load levelling, then fed back to the local grid for distribution, to use wind and solar generated energy more efficiently.
As an aid to the electrification of cities for bus based public transport, stations like these would avoid the need to install thousands of individual charging points, meaning that 2030 climate change targets might be met. Copyright diagrams March 2020 © all rights reserved, Cleaner Ocean Foundation Ltd.
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HYDROGEN FUEL CELL CARTRIDGE - It looks like a battery cartridge. It performs like a battery cartridge. It stores energy like a battery cartridge, but it is a hydrogen fuel store and fuel cell cartridge combination. Where lithium and cobalt raw materials may limit the production numbers of EVs as green motoring becomes the norm, hydrogen in a safe format might offer unlimited possibilities. This car can run on battery cartridges as well, the physical dimensions and loading mechanism being identical to the hydrogen cartridge version. The concept is compatible with SMARTNET FASTCHARGE service stations. NOTE: This is just a concept, not a product yet. More development is needed before mass production could be entertained. But just imagine driving your everyday car fueled by these Universal energy cartridges.
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This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. copyright © Climate Change Trust 2021. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.