Drilling and pumping oil is a messy occupation playing with
carcinogenic fluids, that traditionally makes millionaires of
those prospectors. Hence the name "Black Gold" and
"Texas Tea." Years ago oil prospecting was
respectable, today those investing in oil are deemed by many
to be climate criminals - because it kills us when we burn it.
sooner we end dependence on oil, the quicker the planet might
begin to cool. But only if transport in the round is powered
by renewable energy, such as hydrogen and H2 compounds, or
other storage mediums.
is also the key to world peace and a fairer society, where
energy is affordable across the globe.
the Russia-Ukraine conflict demonstrates most aptly, oil and
gas in the wrong hands is a weapon. Some might say let the
missiles roll, take out aggressors once and for all, and those
aiding an abetting those aggressors. But it's a drastic
solution - even though it may come to that. The world has
never had a nuclear showdown, as a lesson to would be
aside, oil is harmful to human cancer wise. Particulates kill.
India offers a back-door for imports of Russian oil into Britain, new figures suggest, blunting Britain’s efforts to restrict funding for the Kremlin.
British energy buyers have stepped up imports from India’s biggest refinery, which itself has stepped up crude imports from Russia, according to trade data.
t suggests buyers have replaced some imports directly from Russia with imports from Russian-fed refineries, indirectly supporting Russian oil flows.
Such a supply chain is entirely legal under UK rules, but the data has raised concerns that British efforts to cut off cash to the Kremlin are being undermined.
Oleg Ustenko, adviser to Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, said companies were “exploiting weaknesses in the sanctions regime”.
“The UK must close the loopholes that undermine support for Ukraine by allowing bloody fossil fuels to continue flowing across our borders,” he said.

China and India have stepped up purchases of discounted Russian oil shunned by some traders in the West since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began.
The giant Jamnagar refinery on India’s west coast imported 215 shipments of crude oil and fuel oil from Russia during 2022, four times as much in volume as it bought in 2021, Kpler data analysed by Global Witness shows.
At the same time, the UK has imported 29 shipments, or 10m barrels, of diesel and other refined products from Jamnagar since the war began, compared to seven shipments, or 4m barrels, during 2021. Buyers include Shell, BP, Trafigura, PetroChina and Essar.
Refineries tend to import from several sources and mix fuels together, meaning crude oil from Russia is likely to have been used to make diesel exported from India to the UK, though it is not possible to say for certain exactly what goes into each barrel.
“Pre-conflict, it was pretty rare for Indian refiners to process Russian crude,” says Alan Gelder, refining expert at Wood Mackenzie. “Now, about one in five barrels of the crude oil that they process is Russian.
“They [Indian refiners] have always exported to Europe, but they are exporting more now because it’s more attractive as Europe’s diesel prices are higher: it’s shorter of diesel because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
“A big chunk of that diesel they produce now will be based on Russian crude oil.”
Steve Sawyer, director of refining at Facts Global Energy, says India and China “are exporting diesel - and some of it will have come from Russia.”
He stresses that Western restrictions on Russian oil were not designed to stop Russian oil exports altogether, because of their importance to the global market.
The UK only banned Russian oil and diesel imports on December 5. Under those rules, an imported barrel is deemed to have come from the last country where “substantial processing” took place.
This means that crude oil from Russia that is refined into diesel elsewhere, such as in India, can perfectly legitimately be imported into the UK. The rule stems from longstanding tax rules, though campaigners fear it amounts to a loophole that supports Russian coffers.
Seven shipments from Jamnagar have arrived in the UK since the ban on Russian oil and diesel imports came into force last month.
Louis Wilson, senior campaigner at Global Witness, said: “Exploiting this loophole by bringing Russian oil in the back door puts money in the Kremlin’s pocket, violates the spirit of the UK’s embargo and undermines BP and Shell’s condemnation of the war in Ukraine.’’
Shell said: “Shell made its decision to withdraw from all Russian hydrocarbons with conviction. We are delivering on this, in line with guidance from European governments, including the UK, and in full compliance with sanctions, applicable laws and regulations.
“Under continued guidance from such governments and through our tight internal controls, including strict no Russian-origin product contract clauses with suppliers, we are seeking to avoid fuels that may contain products refined in Russia.”
BP said: “BP takes compliance with sanctions and export controls very seriously and seeks to comply with all applicable regulatory frameworks around the world. We continue to have very strict processes and controls for maintaining compliance with applicable trade sanctions, including the UK’s Russia sanctions.
“We conduct thorough checks on all trading counterparties and certificates of origin and other documents are used to evidence the origin of products.”
A Government spokesman said: “In light of Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and weaponisation of energy, the Government has taken steps to end all imports of Russian fossil fuels including a ban of oil and oil products. Importers must be able to provide proof that goods are not of Russian origin.”
Trafigura, PetroChina and Essar did not comment.

A Tories' top treasurer who was hired by Rishi Sunak and Nadeem Zahawai has been raking it in from a firm still dealing with Vladimir Putin's Russia, a news report has claimed. Billionaire Mohamed Mansour co-owns UK-based Unatrac and a subsidiary supplying machinery to Russia's oil and gas industry.
The Mirror reported that Mr Mansour's company had donated £600,000 to the Conservatives and he is said to have pledged £2million to the Tories himself.
He was appointed Senior Treasurer last month by PM Rishi Sunak and tax row party chairman Nadhim Zahawi.
Unatrac has made millions with its subsidiary Mantrac Vostok by supplying Caterpillar machinery to Russia - which has been under sanctions since invading Ukraine last year.
A spokesperson from Unatrac told the Daily
Express: "Since the invasion of Ukraine, Mantrac Vostok (a subsidiary of the Dubai company Unatrac Holding Limited) has scaled back its operations considerably and has been focused on fulfilling long standing commitments that pre-date February 2022. The company operates in absolute accordance with all international (including UK, US and European) sanctions."
Last March, then-chancellor Mr Sunak said: "I am urging firms to think very carefully about their investments in Russia and how they may aid the Putin regime."
However, in December, he and tax-row Tory chairman Nadhim Zahawi appointed Mr Mansour, who is reportedly worth £2.3billion, to the top post with the Tories.
The job of Senior Treasurer is expected to involve a fundraising drive ahead of next year's expected General Election.
The Mirror reported that last night the party refused to comment or answer questions on the ongoing Russian business interests of their head fundraiser.
Anneliese Dodds, Labour Party chair, told the publication: "Rishi Sunak has appointed a person who has made millions from trading in Russia.
"This Government is drowning in sleaze, making an absolute mockery of Sunak's promise of professionalism, integrity and accountability at all levels.
"Once again Rishi Sunak is too weak to lead.
"Will he continue to accept donations from someone trading with Russia, or will he grow a backbone, stop taking the money and cut ties with this individual?"
Unatrac and sister firm Mantrac Vostok have a string of offices and warehouses throughout Russia, dealing in
Caterpillar equipment for mining and energy production.
On its website, Unatrac states that it operates in various African nations as well as Iraq and Russia.
A spokesman said they had "scaled back" their Russia operation following Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
The Sunday Mirror found Unatrac's website was offering machinery for sale and rent in Russia, which were still listed on its website last night.
The two firms are part of Mansour Group, owned and controlled by Mr Mansour and his brothers Youssef and Yasseen.
It had revenues of more than £6billion in 2021.
He resigned in 2009 following a train crash that killed at least 50 people and injured 30 more.
Mr Mansour's Tory prospects were the subject of widespread speculation last year, with sources repeatedly denying he was in the frame for the job of Senior Treasurer.
Trump Administration continued rollback of climate policies amid Green New Deal debate
calls for net zero emissions, while oil & gas production records largest ever increase by any country and weakened federal policies potentially cancel state gains.
Biden may head a country chugging along on fossil fuels,
but he is way ahead of the Trumpeter in terms of thinking
clean, and thank heavens. But there is still a long way to go.
business with any country that is not honoring their Paris
Agreement's is like encouraging them to keep on raiding the
arctic ice 'piggy bank,' knowing they will not be able to pay it
ramping up coal burning power stations
and the USA
behaving badly with oil and gas, the planet is in big trouble.
The human race is in even bigger trouble. Roll on World War
Three as food prices head through the roof and eventual
shortages lead to starvation and riots.
at that point will we see real rebellion.
You can stave all that off by not voting for suicide
politicians. Do not vote tactically, vote for what matters.

Entrenched views linked to black sludge and flowing dollars. A
more enlightened change to clean renewables would require
vision that clearly some politicians are incapable of, all the
while their economies benefit from Texas Tea. Some
administrations treat oil and coal like deposits in the bank,
without thinking why nature locked the carbon, or how it was
we had a stable environment. Oil and coal deposits are the
Banks of Death for cowardly administrations, who it appears,
refuse to even try to to fix the climate, for fear of the
unknown. Are they Chicken?
The wrong crowd may get in for another term because of
tactical voting and keep on violating the laws of nature, but if the population
keep on voting for green parties - we just might see another
kind of revolution
all over the world. Except of course for non-democratic
trade wars, as in bans of trade, embargoes on imports from
naughty countries will eventually see those countries eating
themselves out of house and home. Remove the financial
incentive to burn coal and oil.
may mean paying more for cars and TVs for a few years, but you
will have a clean conscience.
that are built using renewable
energy should carry a label saying so. Goods that are made
using coal or nuclear
power should also carry a label saying so. At the moment
most Electric
Vehicle batteries
are made in China using coal.
know what goods will sell. Imagine having your friends around
and they notice that you've bought a TV made with coal energy.
Imagine parking a car in your drive, that everyone knows is
made with fossil fuels.
Marc Morano

KINGS - At the Paris talks in 2015 the United States
joined three petro-states - Russia,
Arabia, and Kuwait -
to water down the UN’s commitment to a scientific report
that examined the damaging global effects of 1.5 degrees of
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman described Russia, Saudi
Arabia, and the United States as “a new axis of evil.”
In 2009 Saudi Arabia tried to argue it deserved compensation
for its oil as the world moves off fossil fuels, and while
that request was a non-starter, Copenhagen ultimately produced
a weak deal that failed to bridge old divides between
historically large polluters and relative newcomers like China
and India.
is the product of millions of years of decay of tiny plants and animals
under layers of sand and mud.
plankton that lived in the
Jurassic period made our crude oil.
This was the time of the dinosaurs. It was about 180,000,000 years ago.
The oil we find underground is called crude oil.
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons - from almost solid to
a gaseous state.
Crude oil has to be treated before it can be used for anything. This happens in an oil refinery.
When crude oil is pumped out of a well (especially offshore
wells) the oil is often mixed with gases, water and sand
forming an emulsion with the water that looks a bit like a
caramel coloured paint.

KINGS - It's cold in Russia, but not as cold as the heart
of one of the cancer kings, Vladimir
Putin, prepare to watch hundreds of
thousands of victims of lung cancer die, as they reap export
dollars in return. It does not appear to bother him that he is
also killing his own countrymen. Or, perhaps this is his new
cold war poisoning method, as many have thought (allegedly)
Covid 19 was a Chinese biological weapon that backfired.
Sand is suspended in the emulsion, adding to the caramel look. The sand will settle out and the water is removed using de-emulsifying agents.
The water
and sand have to be separated from the crude oil before it can be processed ready for transportation by tanker or
pipeline to a refinery.
Dissolved gases have to be removed at the well. Otherwise, they might come out of solution and cause a build up of pressure in a pipe or a
and potentially cause an explosion.
Crude oil also contains sulphur. This has to be removed from any fractions that are going to be burnt because it forms sulphur dioxide which contributes to
rain and acid
this reason any fractions that go into fuels, like kerosene,
petroleum and diesel,
pass through hydrofiners to remove the sulphur, except for bunker
fuel which has a high sulphur content and is now being
phased out for marine transport.

fuels kick started our industrial revolution, powered steam
ships and generated electricity as we released the energy in
coal and later oil, to make things happen at a faster pace.
Cars and aircraft being an example of things we now take for
granted that pollute big time.
it was a brilliant time for engineers and town planners who
thought they could rely of this energy source without any
consequences. Because after all the world is a big place.
Surely humans could not alter the delicate ecological balance
of planet earth just by driving a few cars and lighting a few
home fires. Then came central heating.
we can. We did and we still are, even though we now know how
dangerous our excesses are to other species - and we are also
set for extinction if we do nothing to swap
fossil fuels for
clean renewable energy

By way of an example, the United States
has less than 5% of the world's population, but
uses more than 25% of the world's supply of fossil
fuels derived from oil. As the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,
CO2 from
fossil fuel combustion, accounted for 80 percent of [its] weighted emissions in 1998. Combustion of fossil fuels also produces other air pollutants, such as
oxides, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals.
The more developed a country in 2019, the harder it will be to
kick the fossil fuel habit. Going cold-turkey is not an
option. President
Donald Trump and other G20
world leaders are sure to be considering ways of curing their
nation's addiction to oil, before they
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