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FREE AS A BIRD - It is happening. Wind energy is providing bucket loads of energy that will be more useful with the kind of load leveling that battery and hydrogen storage can provide, to make better use of all that captured natural power. Windmills and sails had been working for mankind for hundreds of years before the discovery of electricity. These graceful machines can be located in isolated areas where winds are strong and reliable.
In the age of climate change OFGEM has responded favourably (on paper), in principle supporting the need for innovation and trials, as per their plan published in 2018 to decarbonise the energy industry, sections of which relating to electric vehicles and infrastructure are show below:
However, the CCC recommend that all new vehicles sold (excluding heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)), should be low carbon by 2035 at the latest, and preferably by 2030.11 The CCC forecasts a required 46 million electric vehicles on UK roads by 2050. This will need new charging infrastructure – the CCC estimates that 3,500 rapid and ultra-rapid chargers near motorways and 210,000 public chargers in towns and cities will be needed, up from 30,000 public chargers of all speeds currently installed.
uptake of electric vehicles creates a rare opportunity for a win-win-win for
society, through lower carbon emissions, improved air quality and a more
robust and low-cost energy system. But this will only be achieved if drivers
are supported to charge their vehicles typically at off-peak times, for
example, through smart charging. Support for drivers using their electric
vehicles in novel ways will also be needed, for example by
‘vehicle-to-grid’ technology to share energy from car batteries
back to the electricity grid when it is needed."
National Infrastructure Commission estimated that, if EVs are rolled out
without smart charging, average annual system costs could increase by £2
billion, adding up to £30 per year to domestic consumer bills.35 However,
smart charging of EVs can also create opportunities for a more flexible and
cheaper energy system, for instance by using vehicle batteries for
short-term storage to smooth peaks in energy demand and maximise use of renewables. Government has consulted on mandating that all chargepoints are
(1) testing the impact of various time-of-use style tariff designs on consumer electricity consumption patterns and
testing methods of increasing the adoption of smart
charging, either through managed charging or time of-use style tariffs
amongst EV owners, e.g. default versus opt-in enrolment.
According to their website, Prime Minister, Boris Johnson's government’s is investing £1.5 billion in charging infrastructure, to encourage people to switch to clean transport that is powering the electric transition across the UK’s roads. As of 2020, Grant Shapps is the Transport Minister.
Head of Go Ultra Low, Poppy Welch, is quoted as saying:
media enquiries
The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), supporting the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (GEMA), is the government regulator for the electricity and downstream natural gas markets in Great Britain. It was formed by the merger of the Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER) and Office of Gas Supply (Ofgas).
Its primary duty is to protect the interests of consumers, where possible by promoting competition.
Since 2010 the Authority has imposed nearly £100 million in fines and redress levies against energy suppliers, including a £12 million redress levy on E.ON in May 2014, and a £1 million redress levy on British Gas in July 2014.
According to Power-Technology.com, a website that provides market and customer insights in this sector, they listed these power companies (according to the 2018 Forbes calculation of net market capitalization, assets, sales and profit) as the biggest utilities:
DOE Department of Energy USA GE General Electric Iberdrola KEPCO Korean Electric Power Corporation National Electric Grid & Central Electricity Authority (India) National Energy Board (Canada) National
Grid plc (formerly Central Electricity Generating Board) Siemens Gamesa State Grid Corporation of China TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company
HIGH VOLTAGE - Every country uses high voltage cables to transmit electricity via a grid. mostly over ground using steel pylons.
The automotive industry is the biggest in the world with around 1.3 billion cars that are filled up roughly once every two-four weeks with liquid fossil fuels. Now imagine those cars, trucks and buses being recharged using load leveled renewable energy. Revenues from oil and petroleum transfer to power utilities in one of the biggest energy shakeups the world is ever likely to see - and over a very short time period. This is due to happen because we've been superheating the world for years by burning fossil fuels, leading to catastrophic climate change: melting ice caps, acid oceans, species mass murder and desertification.
The transfer to alternative energy for transport is technically feasible and could become a reality sooner than you might think, provided that we all (or a sufficient number of us) pull together to make it happen. That includes auto makers whether privately owned or State operated - and generating utilities, that are for the most part State owned. Hence, we need the cooperation of the Nations who own and operate their national grids, meaning policy makers and the politicians in power, who direct policies, most of whom are members of the UN.
The developers of the SmartNet EV system do not propose installing their our own wind turbines and solar farms, but that remains a longer term possibility - in working within the industry to help expand the clean sector. In the interests of expediency, service station operators might purchase electricity from existing power companies, and shop around. This could include a mix of fossil fuel and renewables, the aim being for a transition to 100% renewable electricity as soon as possible.
Those companies cooperating with such proposal(s) will have priority options as to power sales, and operating their own load-leveling stations directly.
The general public can only make use of vehicles that are sold by car companies, and service facilities that exist to provide fuels and other garage services. Our objective is to be able to demonstrate that the technology exists to allow the general public to swap their petrol and diesel steeds for clean electrics, without sacrificing convenience. Auto makers then owe a duty of care to their fellow man and planet earth, to produce vehicles that do not produce harmful emissions. Petrol and diesel vehicles should carry a Government health warning.
This demands confidence in the vehicles that are being sold. Such confidence may only be provided by EV service stations to equal the convenience of liquid fossil fuel stations. This level of convenience is the basis of our Business Plan. It is sadly lacking in 2020.
STATE OF THE NATIONS - There are a number of cartridge formats at the moment leading to a confused market, and confused motorists. Better Place kicked off with one system, Tesla stalled in 2013, NIO uses a similar under car mounted cartridge and BattSwap and PowerSwap use similar capacity cartridges, with PowerSwap being a side loading system. The point here is that with a standard cartridge, service stations can be provided to recharge trucks, vans and cars. At the moment there are no energy cartridges or service stations for heavy goods vehicles.
Networked flat pack service stations may be made available to any utility, supermarket or energy trading (brokers) company, but also entrepreneurs who might operate as independent franchises.
FROM SPACE EXPLORATION TO ZERO EMISSIONS - Developed to power satellites and spacecraft, the silicon solar panel is now a cost effective way of generating clean electricity. Ideal sites for the location of solar farms is land that cannot be used for farming, such as the deserts we have created.
PIC No: 895922168
PIC: 915580382
- Audi - BMW - Citroen - Fiat - Ford - Lotus - Mercedes - Peugeot - Renault - Seat - Smart
- DAF - Renault - MAN - Volvo
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Gas_and_Electricity_Markets https://www.goultralow.com/ https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/fet-proactive https://www.power-technology.com/features/top-10-power-companies-in-the-world/
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