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ADVANCEMENT - 2018 was a year of considerable development, the project benefiting from the help of students from ENSTA, Brest and the expertise of their teachers to support the Chantier Bretagne Sud team. Electrotechnical pre-studies were entrusted to Entech Smart Energies. The team thus developed a preliminary specification of a full-scale prototype ship.
- The navigation of the future on TF1. The picture above shows the first hull test
under tow. From dream to reality: A Discovery Report by Anne Claire Coudray on TF1 offers you a theme "In the minds of inventors" to retrace the journey of 10 enthusiasts and present their achievements.
The series began on Sunday March 1st at 1:30 p.m. then March 8th and 15th.
C'est une bonheur pour moi de partager l'aventure d'ARCHINAUTE à travers ces reportages. Début de la série ce dimanche 1er Mars à 13h30 puis les dimanches 8 et 15 mars 2020.
Archinaute prépare une troisième voie de navigation pour le troisième millénaire, se situant entre la voile et le moteur, pour répondre aux défis de la Transition Energétique en mer.
Concilier la manoeuvrabilité de la propulsion mécanique et les avantages de l'usage de la puissance du vent pour fournir toutes les énergies du bord, telle est la voie de progrès proposée par ARCHINAUTE pour sortir des énergies fossiles.
CONSTRUCTION IN BELZ - Archinaute, the full-size wind boat June 2019
Eleven years after the launch of the project, the prototype of the first Archinaute wind
powered boat is under construction at the Brittany South shipyard in Belz.
This is a culmination of years of effort for its designer, Charles-Henri Viel, who
was looking to present it from June 29 to July 10 at the La Mer XXL show in
Nantes in 2018.
Unthinkable ten years ago, the project finally came to fruition. Charles-Henri came to see me at the very beginning in 2008, recalled MP Jimmy Pahun. When we see the result, we can only be proud to have such an inventor in the location. The transition from idea to design did not happen overnight. In 2014, the first investigations were carried out on a model. Two years later, Charles-Henri Viel participated in a contest: clim action. The principle of which was to propose projects in harmony with the environment. Obviously, the Archinaut was rewarded in this competition.
Because of the revolutionary design and the fact that it uses the energy directly from the wind, the boat was liked by Yannick Bian from the Brittany South shipyard in Belz. It is on its premises that the metal monster takes shape. The advantage of the wind turbine is that it captures energy, uses it and stores it in batteries, insists its designer. The beast's measurements impress. But its size is necessary to accommodate passengers. We will comply with applicable legislation, says Charles-Henri Viel.
Whereas these vessels were originally intended for individuals, wind boats will ultimately be accessible to professionals. The idea is to make shorter trips with a limited number of passengers in the form of a shuttle ferry service. One can imagine a machine that goes back and forth all day long, as long as it stores a little energy at night, explains the engineer from the École centrale de Paris. To follow through, Charles-Henri Viel launched his company in 2019: Avel. The fact that it is windy in Breton, helped to attract seven partners in the wake of climate change and IMO fossil fuel reductions.
On the first prototype, still in kit form, twelve passengers can be seated. But eventually the number could increase. And the field of competence is expanding. This technology can be used by everyone, says Charles-Henri Viel. Fishermen, boaters, tourism professionals. The only thing I exclude is the military boats says the innovator.
Limited cruising speed
The only limit of the craft: its cruising speed between 5 and 15 knots depending on the wind. Or between 9 and 27 km / h. Quickly swept away by its designer: Everyone will have to change their way of consuming. It will be the same for transport. Beyond this technical limit, the boat has real economic advantages. Although the wind boat costs more to buy, the wind remains free and unlimited energy. Thus, the machine also requires less maintenance, due to the absence of an engine.
OUEST FRANCE JUNE 2019 - Belz. Archinaute, le bateau éolien grandeur nature
Onze ans après le lancement du projet, le prototype du premier bateau éolien l’Archinaute est en construction au chantier Bretagne Sud de Belz. Un aboutissement pour son concepteur, Charles-Henri Viel, qui le présentera du 29 juin au 10 juillet au salon La Mer XXL de Nantes.
La première maquette de l’Archinaute, aux pieds de Charles-Henri Viel, contraste avec le géant argenté posé sur le dos à quelques mètres. 11 mètres de long, 6 de large et 10 t d’aluminium. La vraie particularité de ce bateau ? Il fonctionne à l’énergie renouvelable. Une éolienne de 6 m de diamètre sera placée sur le bateau, détaille Charles-Henri Viel, ingénieur et concepteur de l’engin.
La première maquette de l’Archinaute, aux pieds de Charles-Henri Viel, contraste avec le géant argenté posé sur le dos à quelques mètres. 11 mètres de long, 6 de large et 10 t d’aluminium. La vraie particularité de ce bateau ? Il fonctionne à l’énergie renouvelable. Une éolienne de 6 m de diamètre sera placée sur le bateau, détaille Charles-Henri Viel, ingénieur et concepteur de l’engin.
Car ce bateau à un côté révolutionnaire. Moi, ce qui m’a plu, c’est qu’il utilise directement l’énergie qu’il capte pour fonctionner, sourit Yannick Bian du chantier Bretagne Sud de Belz. C’est dans ses locaux que le monstre d’acier prend forme. L’avantage de l’éolienne c’est qu’elle capte l’énergie, l’utilise et la stocke, insiste son concepteur. Les mensurations de la bête impressionnent. Mais son gabarit est nécessaire pour accueillir des passagers. On se plie à la législation, assure Charles-Henri Viel.
En effet, l’Archinaute a récemment changé de cap. Alors qu’ils se destinaient d’origine aux particuliers, les bateaux éoliens seront finalement accessibles aux professionnels. L’idée ? Réaliser de court trajet avec un nombre limité de passagers sous forme d’une navette. On peut tout à fait imaginer un engin qui fait des allers-retours toute la journée, du moment qu’il stocke un peu d’énergie la nuit, explique l’ingénieur de l’École centrale de Paris. Pour aller au bout de sa démarche, Charles-Henri Viel a lancé en 2019 sa société : Avel. Le vent, en breton. Et a amené dans son sillage, sept associés.
Sur le premier prototype, encore en kit, douze passagers pourront prendre place. Mais à terme le nombre pourrait augmenter. Et le domaine de compétence s’élargir. Cette technologie pourra servir à tout le monde, estime Charles-Henri Viel. Les pêcheurs, les plaisanciers, les professionnels du tourisme. La seule chose que j’exclus, ce sont les bateaux militaires.
Vitesse de croisière limitée
Seule limite de l’engin : sa vitesse de croisière comprise entre 5 et 15 nœuds en fonction du vent. Soit entre 9 et 27 km/h. Vite balayée par son concepteur : Tout le monde va devoir changer sa manière de consommer. Il en sera de même pour le transport. Au-delà de cette limite technique, le bateau a de vrais avantages sur le plan économique. Bien que le bateau éolien coûte plus cher à l’achat, le vent demeure une énergie gratuite et illimitée. Ainsi, l’engin demande également une maintenance moins importante, du fait de l’absence de moteur.
D’ici le 29 juin, la maquette de l’Archinaute sera balayée par son prototype grandeur nature. L’engin sera présenté à Nantes, au salon de la Mer XXL, du 29 juin au 10 juillet. Il arrivera par l’eau, mais, surprise, sans son éolienne. La raison ? On doit passer par un tunnel pour se rendre sur le port de Nantes, s’amuse Charles-Henri Viel. Elle sera donc montée sur place et les derniers réglages du bateau éolien seront effectués, à Belz, dans le courant de l’été
The Archinaute project attracted quite a bit of media attention, as you can see from the extracts of various publications. There is not much in the way of technical details to the point of almost being secretive, but there is enough information to whet the appetite.
The rotary wind sail idea was promoted by Peter Worsley in the UK, a member of the Amateur Yacht Research Society.
GENERATING INTEREST - A third way of navigation for the third millenium. Zero Emission Wind Turbine Powered Motorship. Using a wind turbine as the main power source for a ship allows to design zero emission mechanically propelled vessels as efficient as present combustion engine powered ones, provided we aim at reasonable cruising speeds. It also provides an unlimited range of operation, a full autonomy, without any need for harbor infrastructure or energy supply from the continent. Project holder: engineer from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures (Centrale Paris) aged 59, convinced since a long time of the interest of renewable energies, now running this innovative project for zero emission navigation.
Design and construction of Wind Turbine Powered Motorships - The urgent move from fossil fuels to renewable energies requires to design and implement alternative clean solutions for the propulsion and general power supply of the ships. With the requested speed of conversion, only disruptive technologies can match the present challenge and ARCHINAUTE is such a disruptive technology but nevertheless it remains a “medium tech” solution, quite easy to operate. Using a wind turbine associated to battery storage as main power source offers multiple advantages: Unlimited, cost free and totally renewable power source.
No specific harbor facility or power supply needed – natural cold ironing without shore connection. Zero emission (CO2, Nox, Particles, VOC, fumes smells…), healthy (no fumes), no risks of pollution or fire (no fuel on board), silent and vibration free solution. Possibility to sail directly into the wind with a positive energetical balance sheet. Maneuverability quite similar to a classical motorship without physical workforce needed from the crew members.
This principle is one of the rare solutions that can be quickly developed and implemented on a large scale basis, just like static wind turbines or photovoltaic panels. Of course this solution allows an energy mix with other clean power sources as photovoltaic cells for instance. From the point of view of an investor, buying a combustion engine motorship today is a very risky option regarding the future energy costs and environmental regulations impacts. At the opposite, the choice of an ARCHINAUTE technology ship guarantees an unlimited free energy operation, a low maintenance level, an outstanding ecological company image and a major contribution to a Corporate Social Responsibility approach.
At the present level of development of ARCHINAUTE, and working in collaboration with “Chantier Bretagne Sud – Etelium” my partner shipyard, we can offer study, design and construction of professional use ships up to 40 feet long : Passenger vessels for short water crossings, bays, estuaries, inter islands or shore to islands, touring … Service vessels: oceanography, crew transport, MRE maintenance, natural areas management… Passive gears fishing boats, recreational fishing boats, leisure boats. The offer is valid for French customers or international customers as well. In the future, the principle allows designing much bigger vessels such as cargo transport ships. For a taller ship, the scale effect will be positive, resulting in higher performance.
Viel 56340 CARNAC
Webmaster: Hélène MARCHIX - HostPapa 68 King William Street London EC4N 7DZ-
Wind powered electric catamaran as an artists impression, presumably from CAD drawings. The wind turbine is a nice design.
ROTARY WIND POWER: A daring conversion; wind turbine powered catamaran, the Revelation II. We'd like to feature this vessel if the owner would care to get in touch.
TRANSFERABLE TECHNOLOGY - The design of the Climate Change Challenger might be adapted to Cargo, Container, Cruise and Ferry designs, without needing to radically alter port facilities. The designs above are not representative of adaptations of the concept, but serve to illustrate the thinking of other design houses.
WINGSAIL ASSISTED SHIP 1987 CONVERSION - This cargo vessel started life as the Ashington, registered at London in 1979. She is notable for her distinctive computer controlled wing-sails. It is a real shame that this pioneering vessel was scrapped, rather than preserved by way of an example of industrial archaeology in action. One way to chart our future is to reflect on the past. The small wing area should be roughly tenfold to take diesel engines out of the frame.
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