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Both the United States and the European Union have their Green New Deal, but President Biden is so weakened by the collapse of Afghanistan that he is unlikely to carry out much of his plan. Lawsuits are underway to halt more green measures, and in the United States' greenest state, California, the people will vote on a proposal to oust Governor Newsom. The price of petrol in the USA is the one factor that more than anything else controls the election results in both the by-elections (2022) and the presidential election, and Biden has cut down measures that will increase the price of petrol. At the same time, Biden demands increased oil production from OPEC + while hindering US oil production. When he should be charging ahead with hydrogen, methanol, and battery clean tech, to defuse such reliance. Perhaps with some stunning tax incentives for investors, R&D breaks, and tax holidays for Zero Emission fuels new to the market.
were particularly impressed with the EU's Fit
For 55 Renewable Energy Directive and RED II, forging ahead
with a proposed 55% reduction in CO2 by 2030 - and 100%
reduction by 2050. Nice one Europe! Making Ursula a greenie and
eco Boudicea in our books. Though there are negative blips in
policy application, where revision could accelerate innovative
development, to break the renewable price barrier. And that
includes banning fossil fuel subsidies.
Countries that thumb their noses at climate change, such as to increase harmful pollution, might have to face criminal prosecution via the International Criminal Court, and the tenets of the Rome Statute of 1998. Whereby it is a criminal offence to cause hurt to another human, from your actions or failure to act to prevent harm.
NOVEMBER 29 2021 - “This is the time to invest in Europe's leadership on hydrogen, for our own sake and for the world's sake,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in her opening speech on 29 November. "The EU had started investing in new generation electrolysers before the rest of the world, making it the global leader in patents and publications on this technology," highlighted von der Leyen. These are not the words of a climate criminal. And the move to further commercial electrolysis, can only be seen as the actions of a conservationist. On the 8-9th February 2022, the World Electrolysis Congress is being held in Hamburg.
Europe claims to be leading the global hydrogen energy revolution, seeking to maintain its competitive advantage by integrating systems, developing skills, scaling up projects and removing policy hurdles, European Commission and industry leaders said during European Hydrogen Week in Brussels.
COP 26
In the coming years (as if we have that long), the West will be reminded that we only little time left to save the planet, Prince Charles and numerous climate literature have doomsday speeches ready. A climate-engaging Western press will serve even more intimidation and more propaganda.
The British host seems paralyzed, and FLOP26 host Alok Sharma is heavily criticized because the nuclear power industry is refused to participate in the open green zone by his green secretariat. Meanwhile, Scottish politicians plan to use the climate summit to promote Scottish independence. It is common for green politicians in the host countries for climate conferences to try to prevent non-green actors from participating, but a total exclusion of an entire industry is new this year.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under cross-pressure from conservative politicians who want conservative politics and green advisers who want BoJo to have Greta Thunberg as a character.
A Nazi war criminal is a person who kills an unarmed human being or gives the order to kill another human being outside the normal rules of engagement in times of war.
In peacetime, a Climate Change Criminal, is a politician, industrialist or other entity that conducts themselves and/or their policies such as to (in effect) murder another human being from starvation or poisoning resulting from action or inaction on their part, and including dumping plastic in the sea to make fish toxic.
This philosophy extends to causing hardship and mental stress (torture), contrary to Articles 2 and 3 of the EU's Human Rights Convention and Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The European Union president, Ursula von der Leyen is charged with failing to protect life on earth, as crimes against humanity and our ecology.
On a more positive note, the EU is funding the Fuel Cel Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), pushing for green hydrogen via electrolyzers. Their main problem is an almost total lack of infrastructure for delivery of hydrogen for cars and trucks, and rapid recharging stations for conventional plug-in battery electrics.
Angela Merkel has tabled the notion of carbon taxes. And, battery factories are springing up in Europe, to undercut those made in China with coal.
G20 abusers will say they had no choice. They needed to keep burning coal, gas and oil for their economies - just like the camp guards at the many concentration camps, they were forced into business as usual. In the case of the camp guards, they argued they were just following orders. But that is not true. We all have choices. There are clean alternatives, such as solar and wind power. There is no need to keep building coal fired electricity generating stations, and no need to drive carcinogenic petrol or diesel vehicles that contribute to lung cancer. We have hydrogen fuel cells, electrolyzers and zero emission electric vehicles.
If you are going to increase electricity capacity, it makes sense to invest in renewable energy, unless it is that the fossil fuel giants are lubricating the works with party donations. If that is the case, we say that such contributions should be transparently declared, that the public is informed as to what is guiding policy decisions.
Adolf Hitler and chum Heinrich Himmler [Allegedly, Adolf Hitler did not die in that bunker incident C.1949. Apparently, he was fired into England, strapped to a V1 rocket, leaving behind his false teeth. He parachuted into Wealden that night hoping to meet some deviants, who'd arranged a new identity for their fallen comrade. Apparently, he landed in Crowborough, shaved off his moustache and was mistaken for a council official, whereupon he infiltrated the ranks of the local council and trained them how to use his terror tactics to control the peasant civilians.
Not the dirtiest, but in the top five, and still needs to do more to offset their carbon footprint. Europe is using nuclear power, where that should be banned. But they are making strides in hydrogen production, so for now they are seen as trying hard.
Nazi concentration 'death camp' executions
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