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Priti Patel - Home Secretary - Priti Patel was appointed home secretary in Boris Johnson’s first cabinet and has kept her position since then. A prominent Brexiteer, Ms Patel had previously argued that Mr Johnson was the only person who could save Brexit and the Tories. She had previously served as Theresa May's international development secretary, until she was forced to quit following a row over unauthorised meetings with Israeli politicians. She was first elected to the seat of Witham, Essex, in 2010, after working for several years in PR for the Conservative Party, as well as lobbying for tobacco and alcohol industries.
Time and again Conservative local and national policies reveal Britain as more of a police state. Why? Because the truth hurts. And the truth is this administration is not doing enough of anything in climate and sustainability terms, other than treading water and milking their positions of trust for all the 'cash-on-the-side' they can get from secondary employment, or lining up such employment for post MP life.
The last thing they want is anyone drawing attention to their failings, such as Insulate Britain. The last Tory Prime Minister to overstep the line was Margaret Thatcher. She wanted to apply a property service tax to people who had no property and so needed no services. Council Tax is mandatory with no opt out, even if you do not want their services. To our mind, councils could be replaced with computer AI, and be fairer and cheaper - taking out the corruption that is ever present. Planning is one area where officers and councillors can make a killing doing favours for developers. Putting up house prices, and taking them beyond the reach of young families starting out. So perpetuating the UK's renting society and financial slavery - that is the hallmark of Conservative governments. Such exploitation being how the British Empire blossomed, into embers as a remnant Commonwealth. Possibly turning to ashes, as global warming heats things up.
The right to object and voice opinions is enshrined in Articles 9 and 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Insulate Britain and Extinction Rebellion are the Suffragettes of our time. Without the right to voice opinions, we will become a Police State proper, climbing another rung up the fascist ladder to dictatorship. Soon we'd be back to Henry the Eighth days, at 4.3 beheadings a day, during his tyrannical reign. Making Adolf Hitler look like a saint.
MARGARET THATCHER - One of the last great boobs by the Conservatives, was when Maggie dropped a clanger, trying to wring more cash out of the population, regardless of their social situation. This led to her demise. If you try and take away the rights of a person to protest with draconian laws right out of Adolf Hitler's dictatorship handbook, your will drive protest movements underground, force them to wear masks and maybe introduce violence into the equation, where previously demonstrations had been peaceful. We might then see climate bombings and such like.
Imagine if everyone protested and got jailed. First off there are not enough prison beds. Secondly, the workforce would evaporate, and that means no taxes, so no money to pay our national debt, or the politicians who are acting like climate jerks. The fact is that attempts to quash dissent by making it illegal to express oneself, is another step to dictatorship. Measures to obtain such powers without proper debate, are deceitful. We need the right to protest to remain enshrined as a right, to tell out of touch politicians when they are getting it wrong - without bloodshed.
MSN 25 NOVEMBER 2021 -
HENRY VIII - During his time on the throne, the English King is thought to have beheaded around 57,000 subjects, earning him a reputation as a butcher. Though he was not referred to as: "Henry the Butcher," many believe that such a title is well deserved. Of course he did not swing the axe himself. He employed a professional axe-man for that. Giving us the term "getting axed," as in being fired from a job, and "Off with his head." Being a latter day reference to the Kings butchery.
Between 1509 and 1547, English subjects lost their heads at the rate of 4.34 subjects a day. It was a violent time in history, but Henry VIII may have been particularly bloodthirsty, executing tens of thousands during his 36-year reign. By comparison, the daughter who succeeded him on the throne, who came to be called "Bloody Mary (Tudor)," killed fewer than 300 people during her six years as queen. Only 50 executions a year, or one a week to satisfy her bloodlust, compared to 30 a week under Henry. England could hardly be described as merry. One of the primary reasons for Henry VIII's notoriety is not the sheer volume of killings but, instead, the controversy surrounding them. He lived to 55, thankfully cutting short his reign of terror. Mary Tudor was far less bloodthirsty.
But human rights barrister Adam Wagner said: “These amendments hugely increase the power of the police and public authorities to prevent protests, disrupt activities at protests and restrict the activities of protesters.
Green Party peer Baroness Jones said: "This is nothing more than a naked attack against civil liberties and a crackdown on protest and we must oppose it for both what it is and how it's been done."
CHANNEL DROWNINGS - At a vigil in London on Thursday evening outside the Home Office, people remembered the 27 people who
died attempting to seek asylum in the UK, after the sinking of
their inflatable.
Judging by the UK's response to peaceful protestors, many people would not be surprised to see the Tories asking for legal powers to arrest immigrants and detain them in prison for umpteen years, or allow British warships to machine gun boats carrying refugees as they seek to escape from whichever hell hole they came from, by treating them as suspected spies or terrorists. The constitutional foundation for Adolf Hitler's dictatorship was the Enabling Act on March 24, 1933. It gave the Fuehrer the right to pass any law without the approval of the Reichstag.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson carried out a reshuffle of his 24 cabinet members on Wednesday (15 September 2021), removing several key ministers.
This is the second major reshuffle since Mr Johnson became leader of the Conservative party and took over as prime minister from Theresa May in July 2019. The last one took place in February 2020. But can any amount of shuffling within a party with tunnel vision, cure their toxic policies?
Some of the big moves included Liz Truss to foreign secretary, the Tories' first woman in that role; Nadhim Zahawi moved from leading the vaccine rollout to education - at the expense of Gavin Williamson; and Nadine Dorries stepped up from health minister to culture secretary.
Who's in the other posts? Below is a guide to the people that make up Mr Johnson's cabinet, with the latest new faces. The burning question is, will it make any difference to Britain's performance on the world climate stage. Or will they be feathering their nests and fiddling on their violins, while the planet burns?
Following the abysmal result from COP26, all that can be said is, the cabinet need to scratch their heads a little more, stop taking second jobs - that deprives their constituents of MP time, or time that should be spent thinking on COP27 (set for Egypt) and saving lives. And of course, developing a sustainable economy.
Apart from the rather misguided denials from China, USA, India, Russia and Australia, COP26 did give us reductions on forest felling, and at least the mention of fossil fuels in the approved text.
Accordingly, the countries assume commitments to build up efforts for reduction of
energy consumption based on unabated coal and abandonment of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.
G20 abusers will say they had no choice. They needed to keep burning coal, gas and oil for their economies - just like the camp guards at the many concentration camps in WWII, they were forced into business as usual. In the case of the camp guards, they argued they were just following orders. But that is not true. We all have choices. There are clean alternatives, such as solar and wind power. There is no need to keep building coal fired electricity generating stations, and no need to drive carcinogenic petrol or diesel vehicles that contribute to between 7-8 million deaths a year from lung cancer. We have hydrogen fuel cells, electrolyzers and zero emission electric vehicles.
you are going to increase electricity capacity, it makes sense
to invest in renewable
energy, unless it is that the fossil
fuel giants are lubricating the works with party
If that is the case, we say that such contributions should be
transparently declared, that the public is informed as to what
is guiding policy decisions.
The make-up of the cabinet has also changed with all the comings and goings. There are two more women then there had been before the reshuffle, but the proportion has stayed about the same because the overall number of people attending cabinet has also increased slightly.
As for the education of those now in cabinet, about 63% of them went to private schools, down slightly when compared to Mr Johnson's previous reshuffle last year - but still a stark contrast to his predecessor's. Just 30% of Theresa May's first cabinet in 2016 attended independent schools, which was fewer than both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's original cabinets.
According to the Sutton Trust social mobility charity, every prime minister since 1937 who attended university was educated at Oxford - except for Mr Brown. At 43%, Mr Johnson's new cabinet has slightly fewer members who were educated at Oxford or Cambridge compared to his last reshuffle - but it's still more than double what is was in Tony Blair's first cabinet in 1997.
It is no fault of Bozo, that Australia, China, India, Russia and USA have refused to cease using coal in the near future (2030- 2040), but they did sign the Glasgow Climate Pact.
Those countries with geriatric fossil fool policies are too entrenched in carcinogenic fuels to save around two hundred and forty 240,000,000 million lives from 2030 to 2050. This figure is based on current death statistics from lung cancer and related respiratory diseases, that are likely to rise as earth's temperature increases. This does not include projected deaths from heat stroke, starvation, thirst and displacement.
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