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FREE AS A BIRD - It is happening. Wind energy is providing bucket loads of energy that will be more useful with the kind of load leveling that battery and green hydrogen storage can provide, to make better use of all that captured natural power. Windmills and sails had been working for mankind for hundreds of years before the discovery of electricity. These graceful machines can be located in isolated areas where winds are strong and reliable. Making allowance for storms and doldrums.
Most of the electricity produced in Canada is hydro generated, meaning that they already have natural storage medium and will not be so inclined toward renewable solar and wind energy, until they exceed the capacity of stored water in dams.
Canada exports nearly 9% of the electricity it generates to the United States. There are 34 active major international transmission lines connecting Canada to the U.S. 67% of Canada’s electricity comes from renewable sources and 82% from non-GHG emitting sources. Canada is the world’s second largest producer of hydroelectricity: Hydro-Quebec, Hydro One, BC Hydro and Toronto Hydro.
While their hydroelectric projects are commendable, other energy operations such as Suncor Energy's oil sands operations had the sixth highest greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. While Suncor has reduced the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of its oil sands operations by more than 50% since 1990, total greenhouse gas emissions from the company's operations have increased because of growing oil sands production. Hopefully, as the rest of the world converts to electric vehicles, oil production will reduce.
Electricity from
wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources of electricity
in Canada. Wind accounts for 4% of electricity generation.
The North American power grid is a network of networks that delivers electricity from where it is generated to the homes, businesses, and communities who use it. The power grid network includes the:
- Generating station network of extra-high voltage lines that connect to the transmission network
- Bulk power transmission network of high-voltage transmission lines that connect to distribution substations
- Distribution network low-voltage lines that connect to customers
This immense North American network of power lines, generation facilities, and related communications systems is often referred to as “the world’s largest machine.”
There are over 35 electric transmission interconnections between the Canadian and US power systems, forming a highly integrated grid. This integration is set to continue expanding, with multiple cross-border transmission projects currently in various stages of development.
Every Canadian province along the US border is electrically interconnected with a neighbouring US state or states, with many provinces boasting multiple international connections.
The result of the integrated Canada-US electric grid is a flexible, reliable, and secure grid on both sides of the border.
Canada and the US work closely together to develop exemplary best practices and institutions in support of a safe, secure, reliable electricity system. This cross-border partnership and collaboration has served Canadian and American communities and businesses for over 100 years.
Thanks to integration, Canada and the US enjoy a mutually beneficial and robust trade in electricity. Of the Canadian electricity delivered to US customers, the majority of it is derived from clean, non-emitting sources.
Electricity powers many of the world’s most important innovations, including Canada's telecommunications and healthcare systems. In fact, their critical infrastructures, those systems essential to the health, safety, security, and economic well-being of Canadians, are all powered by electricity.
It’s the power grid that ensures a reliable source of electricity.
Smart technology has two-way communication from the device to the data collection system it is connected to. The smart power grid has this two-way communication and two-way power flow to efficiently manage supply, delivery, and use of electricity from source to customer.
A smarter power grid integrates the electricity system with telecommunications and financial services, with greater details of informational, financial, and physical transactions to ensure reliability and competitiveness.
According to, a website that provides market and customer insights in this sector, they listed these power companies (according to the 2018 Forbes calculation of net market capitalization, assets, sales and profit) as the biggest utilities:
Duke Energy Corporation, DUK, N. Carolina, USA Dominion Energy Inc., Richmond, Virginia Exelon Corporation EXC, Chicago, USA KEPCO Korean Electric Power Corporation National Electric Grid & Central Electricity Authority (India) National Energy Board (Canada) National Grid plc (formerly Central Electricity Generating Board UK) Next
Era Energy Inc. Florida, USA Southern Company, Atlanta, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, USA State Grid Corporation of China TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company
But in 2022, they still have no solution to power cuts and blackouts, causing major disruption in the modern age of electricity - putting the lives of young, vulnerable and infirm at risk. Also raising the question of this company failing to meet Paris climate objectives aimed at Net Zero - where reliability is a key factor in reaching United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals. Especially SDG7 clean, affordable energy for all, and SDG17, partnerships, such as with automotive OEMs, where the supply of energy for transport is their responsibility, as much as motor manufacturers have a duty to provide zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) - meaning electrics, as a solution that has finally come of age. But where is the infrastructure to make this happen?
Power companies and automotive OEMs need to work together urgently, if they are going to stand any chance of catering for EVs by 2050. They have no chance at all at present levels of cooperation and forward planning - of meeting the targets set for 2030 by policy makers. They are far too comfortable, knowing they can give politicians the run around with manifold excuses from spin doctors - who are employed by climate deniers - to keep burning carcinogenic coal, diesel and petrol.
In the process, they are making their countries vulnerable to suppliers of energy who have grown wealthy enough from fossil fuel exports, to wage war in 2022.
HIGH VOLTAGE - Every country uses high voltage cables to transmit electricity via a grid. mostly over ground using steel pylons. In the UK, OFGEM regulates development of such markets.
FROM SPACE EXPLORATION TO ZERO EMISSIONS - Developed to power satellites and spacecraft, the silicon solar panel is now a cost effective way of generating clean electricity. Ideal sites for the location of solar farms is land that cannot be used for farming, such as the deserts we have created.
Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) is a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Ontario. OPG is responsible for approximately half of the electricity generation in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Sources of electricity include nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, gas and biomass. Although Ontario has an open electricity market, the provincial government, as OPG's sole shareholder, regulates the price the company receives for its electricity to be less than the market average, in an attempt to stabilize prices. Since 1 April 2008, the company's rates have been regulated by the Ontario Energy Board.
Alectra Incorporated, through its subsidiary Alectra Utilities Corporation, is an electricity utility and distributor that serves several municipalities in the Golden Horseshoe region of Ontario. It is a municipally owned corporation with shares in varying amounts held by the municipalities which owned its predecessor companies.
When it was founded, Alectra was described as the second largest municipally-owned electricity utility in North America after the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. As of January 2019 it is the largest municipally-owned electricity utility in Canada, by number of customers served.
- Audi - BMW - Citroen - Fiat - Ford - Lotus - Mercedes - Peugeot - Renault - Seat - Smart
- DAF - Renault - MAN - Volvo
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