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GEOGRAPHICAL GENOCIDE - Genocide is linked to Eugenics and Discrimination, in its most extreme form. Examples range from local authorities persecuting poorer members of society, where they only want wealthy residents who pay higher taxes, etc. To full on and systematic industrial scale annihilation, such as the Holocaust. Cases could be tried by the International Criminal Court on their own merits, using common sense analogy. For example, where gassing of people during the Holocaust was systematic industrial scale annihilation. That is far worse in concept, than pumping CO2 into the atmosphere in total disregard for the consequences of global warming. As it is known to cause sea level rise, that would ultimately result in the drowning of islanders, displacement, and loss of natural habitat. Hence, the level of inhumanity may be less, but the resultant loss of life and mental torture, is on a scale that it classes as Genocide.
Most parts of the country consist of lowland terrain with the North-western
parts having mountainous terrain. The coastal parts of the country are extremely vulnerable to the ever
rising sea levels since they are low-lying. A huge percentage of the British
population comprises of the elderly, who are especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of flooding.
Global sea levels are rising and the world’s ice mass at the poles is disappearing. The global sea level between 1992 and 2018 rose about six to eight inches in total, with 0.7 inches caused by the melting of Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets alone. By the year 2100, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that sea levels will rise between 11.4 and 23.2 inches if the world is able to drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions between now and then. If not, these figures could be almost double.
The Genocide Convention was conceived largely in response to
World War II, which saw atrocities such as the
Holocaust that lacked an adequate description or legal definition.
It appears to us that the G20, and any other nation, that increases CO2, and/or fails to make the reductions as per the Paris Agreement, could become the subject of investigation by the ICC on a charge of 'Geographical Genocide.' Specifically relating to sea level rise and desertification. Both of which cause massive human suffering.
The heads of these nations can be prosecuted for failing to provide an effective administration, or an effective remedy - if they lobby to get elected and then as duly elected officials fail to protect life in regions remote from themselves. Thus amalgamating the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the requirement to protect life, and prevent small island nations from being wiped out.
The essential requirement of proof as to being guilty of Genocide, can be public admission as to policies that will increase the use of coal or oil, hence the fossil fuel emissions that are melting our ice caps.
Guilt, can also be in connection with the lopping of rainforests, without a suitable re-planting scheme, or the clearing of forests to grow cash crops, in the full knowledge that such activity reduces the ability of the planet to absorb CO2.
Distance, or distancing oneself, is no protection is such cases, because it is common knowledge that convection currents distribute your own country's emissions globally, no matter how much climate denial and greenwashing, blah, blah, blah, is employed. Actions and inaction speaks louder than words.
Another method of obtaining a conviction, might be the measured output, or estimated atmospheric pollution calculated from the number of ICE vehicles and coal/gas fired electricity generating stations in operation.
A legitimate Defence to such charges, might be carbon mitigation, that is demonstrably (quantitive rather than estimates) effective, and outweighs the greenhouse gas emissions associated with economic growth agendas, that is not sustainable blue growth.
It is clear from the scientific data, that the rise in sea level is as a result of the uncurbed emissions of the signatories to COP 21 agreements, thus they are operating in the "full knowledge" that their actions are causing (and will cause) citizens of vulnerable Island Nations to suffer mental distress (torture) and potential death, as their homes literally sink beneath the waves.
1. Cabo Verde, Republic of 4. Ireland 7. Kiribati 8. Maldives 9. Marshall Islands, Republic of the 10. Micronesia, Federated States of 11. Palau 12. Sarichef Island 13.
Seychelles 15. Tangier Island 17. Tuvalu 18. United Kingdom
GREENHOUSE DROWNINGS - The mean global sea level has risen by 4-8 inches over the past century with the annual rate doubling in the past 20 years. This has been attributed mainly to three factors: thermal expansion, melting glaciers (or polar ice caps), and ice loss from Greenland and Antarctica. In general, island countries are the most affected by the rising sea levels, although countries who sit at a low elevation are also very much at risk. In this article, we will discuss some of the countries most prone to the serious problem of rising sea levels.
GLOBAL WARMING - The cause of much famine is man-made. As our climate warms, the artic ice melts causing ocean levels to rise and agricultural land to become deserts. The most influential world leaders, of the G7 and G20 are fully aware of the consequences of failing to act in sufficient time to prevent Geographical Genocide. According to the 1948 Convention, Genocide is a crime. Any person or state advocating policies that do not seek to reduce climate warming, are therefore criminals. The excuse that their economy might suffer, is no excuse when it comes to (in effect) murdering another human being. It is the insatiable lust for economic growth that has caused the deaths of millions of displaced persons and those who died of lung cancer.
https://islandsbusiness.com/ https://www.treehugger.com/island-nations-threatened-by-climate-change-4869275 https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/15-countries-most-prone-to-rising-sea-levels.html https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide-convention.shtml
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